Meet John Groskopf at Red Bug Slough in Sarasota for a 2 mile walk looking for migrants, forest birds, waders, flyovers, and ducks. The walk is about half shade and half sun.
Stu Wilson (512-897-8341) and Cathy Paris will meet you at the entrance to Broadway Beach, 7001 Seabreeze Ave. (West end of Broadway St. @ North end of LBK). You will learn to ID gulls, terns, sandpipers, and other shorebirds while walking 1-2 miles in the sun and on sand. There are no restroom facilities.
Wingspan – Join us at the Nature Center at 12:30 pm. Learn about birds and their habitats, food, nests, etc., while playing a competitive game. Beginners welcome. RSVP to Lynn Jakubowicz ( Oct 2 &16, Nov 6 & 21, Dec 4 & 18, Jan 2 & 17, Feb 5 & 19, Mar 5 & 21,...
Rescheduled from October 14, 2024.: A Wing and a Prayer: The Race to Save Our Vanishing Birds. Journalist Anders Gyllenhaal will talk about the extensive research he and his wife Beverly Gyllenhaal did resulting in their book on the urgency of bird conservation. Anders and Beverly Gyllenhaal are long-time journalists devoting their time to writing...
Mary Heinlen (email) and Helen King will meet you at Siesta Key Beach in front of the pavilion with the American flag that is to the right as you enter the main parking lot. You will learn to ID shorebirds during a 1.5 mile walk in the sand and sun. Restrooms are available.
Kids and teens can join Jon Thaxton for a captivating stroll through Oscar Scherer Park to spot Florida Scrub-Jays in their natural habitat! This walk is ONLY for members of the Florida Young Birder's Club and youth members of the Sarasota Audubon Society. Registration is required for the child or teen. Parents/guardians do not need...
Members Meet and Greet - A way for our members to see each other face to face! Meet your board members and enjoy a short presentation by a local environmentalist. Light refreshments. November 20, January 15, March 19; 2-3:30 pm in the Nature Center. Today's speaker is Jason Robertshaw, Environmental Education Program Manager at...
Wingspan – Join us at the Nature Center at 12:30 pm. Learn about birds and their habitats, food, nests, etc., while playing a competitive game. Beginners welcome. RSVP to Lynn Jakubowicz ( Oct 2 &16, Nov 6 & 21, Dec 4 & 18, Jan 2 & 17, Feb 5 & 19, Mar 5 & 21,...
If you care about the Celery Fields and its wildlife, we need you to let the Sarasota County Planning Commission know that you oppose rezone petition RZ 23-30 that will allow 170 homes on the Smith Farm property along Raymond Road next to the South Cell and across from the Raymond Road Boardwalk. Please click...
Kathryn Young (email) meet at Raymond Rd Boardwalk. Join Kathryn and other guest trip leaders to learn how to find birds by song, calls, ID, and habitats. Parking on side of road. Port-a-potty on site.
This event has been postponed to December 14, 2024 Kids’ Art Day - Saturday, November 30, and Saturday, March 22. Kids ages 3-12 are welcome to create a nature-themed project. 9 am