Guided Walks – Siesta Key Shorebirds

Siesta Key Beach 948 Beach Road, Siesta Key, FL, United States

Meet Claire Herzog and Jim Yeskett in front of the pavilion with the American flag that is to the right as you enter the main parking lot of Siesta Key...

Guided Walks – Red Bug Slough

Red Bug Slough 5200 Beneva Rd, Sarasota

Meet Lynn Jakubowicz (email) in the main parking lot. We will take a 2 mile walk, ½ shade and sun; looking for waders, ducks, and forest birds. Restrooms are available.

Guided Walk – North Lido Beach & Woods

North Lido Beach Benjamin Franklin Dr and John Ringling Blvd, Sarasota

Meet Stu Wilson (512-897-8341) and Cathy Paris at the small parking lot at the west (seaward) end of John Ringling Blvd. We will look for shorebirds on the beach and...

Guided Walks – Oscar Scherer State Park, 3rd Thursdays

Oscar Scherer State Park 1843 S Tamiami Trail, Osprey, FL, United States

There is a fee to enter park. Meet Cynthia Huesman (email Cynthia) and Rob Gonzalez at Lake Osprey Nature Center. Strive to find the endangered Florida Scrub Jay and other...

Guided Walks – Robinson Preserve

Robinson Preserve 1704 99th St NW & 17th Ave NW, Bradenton, FL, United States

Meet Kathy Doddridge (941-705-3862, email) in the main parking lot of Robinson Preserve, which is the North entrance where the Valentine House is located. The walk will head to the...

Guided Walks – Oscar Scherer State Park, 4th Thursdays

Oscar Scherer State Park 1843 S Tamiami Trail, Osprey, FL, United States

There is a fee to enter park. Meet Cynthia Huesman (email Cynthia) and Rob Gonzalez at Lake Osprey Nature Center. Strive to find the endangered Florida Scrub Jay and other...

Guided Walks – Beginning Birder Siesta Key Shorebirds

Siesta Key Beach 948 Beach Road, Siesta Key, FL, United States

Peter Brown (207-994-9885) and Helen King will meet you at the Pavilion with the American flag on the right as you enter the main parking lot. We will learn to...

Guided Walks – Oscar Scherer State Park, 3rd Thursdays

Oscar Scherer State Park 1843 S Tamiami Trail, Osprey, FL, United States

There is a fee to enter park. Meet Cynthia Huesman (email Cynthia) and Rob Gonzalez at Lake Osprey Nature Center. Strive to find the endangered Florida Scrub Jay and other...

Guided Walks – Jean Blackburn’s Gardens & Feeders

Jean Blackburn 700 Myakka Road, Sarasota, United States

A renowned local artist, Jean Blackburn has developed a bird/butterfly friendly yard over the past 32 years. Walk the property and see the gardens and feeders. Mainly shade. Restroom. From...

Guided Walks – Oscar Scherer State Park, 4th Thursdays

Oscar Scherer State Park 1843 S Tamiami Trail, Osprey, FL, United States

There is a fee to enter park. Meet Cynthia Huesman (email Cynthia) and Rob Gonzalez at Lake Osprey Nature Center. Strive to find the endangered Florida Scrub Jay and other...

Guided Walks – Myakka Bridge/Crowley Nature Center

Crowley Nature Center 16405 Myakka Rd, Sarasota, FL, United States

First meet Helen King (email, 850-556-2950)  at the bridge (he bridge is south of Crowley by 1/8 mile) with a spotting scope; park along the shoulder; then go to Crowley...

Guided Walks – Old Miakka Preserve

Old Miakka Preserve 251 Myakka Road, Sarasota, FL

Stu Willson and Cathy Paris will meet you at Old Miakka Preserve on the East end of Fruitville Road. Continue on gravel road to the entrance about ½ mile on...

Guided Walks – North Longboat Key/Leffis Key

North Longboat Key 100 Broadway, Longboat Key, FL, United States +1 more

Stu Wilson (512-897-8341) and Cathy Paris will meet you at the entrance to Broadway Beach; 7001 Seabreeze Ave. (West end of Broadway St. @ north end of LBK) then the...

Guided Walks – Oscar Scherer State Park, 3rd Thursdays

Oscar Scherer State Park 1843 S Tamiami Trail, Osprey, FL, United States

There is a fee to enter park. Meet Cynthia Huesman (email Cynthia) and Rob Gonzalez at Lake Osprey Nature Center. Strive to find the endangered Florida Scrub Jay and other...

Guided Walks – Glebe Park

Glebe Park 1000 Glebe Lane, Sarasota, FL, United States

Walk with John Groskopf through Glebe Park on Siesta Key looking for migrants and flyovers; ¼ mile walk, mainly shade. Restrooms are available