Birding Hot Spots
Birding Hot Spots in Sarasota and Manatee Counties is available for sale at area outlets and bookshops, and at the Sarasota Audubon Nature Center, 999 Center Road, Sarasota, FL 34240. It can be kept in the car, at home, or used on field trips. More importantly, Birding Hot Spots can be used during any of our many events.
It lists some 70 great places to bird with a site index and information on parking, restrooms, fees, and handicapped accessibility. Get your copy of Birding Hot Spots in Sarasota and Manatee Counties today and support SAS. Cost: $6.
If ordering by mail, please send $12.00 to SAS Birding Hot Spots, 999 Center Road, Sarasota, FL 34240.
Some bookstores and gift shops in the Sarasota area that generally have Hot Spots in stock are:
- Book Store 1 Sarasota, 1359 Main St, a block from the Bayfront
- Crowley Museum and Nature Center – at the end of Fruitville Rd., east of I-75
- Environeers – Sarasota Crossings Plaza, Fruitville Rd, west of I-75, Exit 210
- Gift shop in Myakka River State Park, SR. 72
- Historic Spanish Point gift shop
- Oscar Scherer State Park Nature Center
- Selby Gardens gift shop – Mound St. at US 41 near the bayfront
- Venice Area Audubon Rookery – in the Audubon Building
- South Florida Museum Gift Shop – 201 10th St. W, Bradenton FL 34205
- Save Our Seabirds – 1708 Ken Thompson Pkwy, Sarasota (across from Mote Marine)
- Sarasota Jungle Gardens – 3701 Bay Shore Road, Sarasota