Meetings/Programs: All meetings available through ZOOM only. Time: 7:00pm

Oct 14: Anders & Beverly Gyllenhaal talk about their extensively researched book “A Wing and a Prayer: The Race to Save
Our Vanishing Birds.”

Nov 11:  John Groskopf, Sarasota’s top birder and renowned Florida rare bird spotter, talks about his adventures discovering local previously seldom reported pelagic birds.

Dec 9: Scott Harris reports on his big year raptor photography quest across 34 states.

Jan 13: Sophie Osborn, biologist, discusses her reintroduction work with condors and other imperiled birds and her intriguing new book “Feather Trails.”

Feb 10: Jamie Rotenberg, ecologist, details his discovery of the northern-most Harpy Eagles’ nest in the Belize rainforests.

Mar 10: Jared Del Rosso, birder and sociologist, talks about Whip-poor-wills, the subject of his upcoming book, and about other nightjars – Common Nighthawks and Chuck-will’s Widows.

Apr 14: Tammy & Dave McQuade, the renowned Florida-based champion birders, take us on their latest birding adventure.

May 12: Megan Suau, architect, speaks about her gorilla conservation work on the Ellen DeGeneres Campus of the Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund in Rwanda.


Monitor SAS eBlasts and The Brown Pelican for additional special Zoom presentations.