Meet Sara Reisinger, incoming Sarasota Audubon President!

Join us in welcoming the new president of Sarasota Audubon – Sara Reisinger! A resident of this area for nearly forty years, Sara brings a passion to Sarasota Audubon for birds, wildlife, and the outdoors. Hear her most recent remarks to our members and find out more about her here.

Welcome to the Sarasota Audubon Society!

An extremely active chapter with numerous trips and projects to engage you: monthly meetings with fascinating speakers, day trips, national and international trips, road and park clean ups, and nature walks for kids and adults. Please visit us at the Sarasota Audubon Nature Center. Our signature conservation project is the Beach Nesting Bird Program in which volunteers monitor Snowy Plovers, Least Terns and Black Skimmers as they struggle to survive on our busy beaches. We also have a scholarship program for high schoolers who will be studying environmental sciences in college.

Click the image to discover more about this bird.

Raymond Road Farm

We have already seen the diminished populations of the birds and wildlife at Ackerman Lake on the northern side of the Celery Fields due to the massive development occurring there.

SAS position: A high-density residential development does not belong here on Raymond Rd adjacent to the Celery Fields birding destination. It will negate and undermine all the millions of dollars and planning invested by Sarasota County and its Stormwater Division, not to mention tourism dollars.

Join us in opposing high-density development (171 residential units) next door to the Celery Fields!

Here’s how: Call to Action Letter here
SAS talking points in letter to Planning Commission last June here

Re-Wilding the Quad Parcels

We need your help re-wilding the Quad parcels at the Celery Fields!
Learn more HERE.
Photo by Karen Willey

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We are able to help birds and
wildlife thrive in Sarasota County

Please click on the image above to donate money to help keep the Gazebo feeders at the Celery Fields full!